Monday, January 9, 2012

Phase out of incandescent light bulbs

According to USA Today, 12/29/2011 "The congressionally mandated efficiency standards gradually phase out Thomas Edison's 131-year-old creation in favor of other light bulbs that use at least 25% less energy. The first to go, beginning Sunday, is the traditional 100-watt, followed in January 2013 with the 75-watt version and in January 2014 with the 40-watt and 60-watt bulbs." Stores will still be able to sell the bulbs that they have in stock, but as of January 1st, no more 100 watt light bulbs can be manufactured or imported. In two years, you will no longer be able to purchase incandescent light bulbs. So, it would be a good idea to start replacing every light that burns out with a compact fluorescent bulb. Incandescent bulbs lose 90% of their energy to heat. That is what makes them so ineffecient. Halogen incandescent bulbs meet the requirements of the new laws, but cost more annually to use than CFL's. LED's also meet the requirements and they cost less annually than CFL's and last longer, but they cost almost $50 per bulb to purchase.

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