Monday, March 26, 2012

Homemade Fabric Softener

I just love soft, wonderful smelling laundry. I recently found out that Apple Cider Vinegar in the rinse cycle does an awesome job of softening clothes, and they don't smell like vinegar. But, that's just not good enough for me. I want my clothes to smell good! So, here is my solution:

Mix 10 oz of your favorite fabric softener (I love the scent of Suavitel in the yellow jug and it's much less expensive than other brands) with 24 oz apple cider vinegar. It works great!

Downy Fabric Softener 34oz - $5.49
This will soften about 38 loads of laundry, which would last me about one month.
My homemade fabric softener 34oz - $1.88.

That is an annual savings of $32.52.

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